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Kaduna recent comments:

  • Police College, Katimaru garu (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    So as we hear anoda propaganda said dat de commandant of PCK wil do new screning of over age on monday so pls christans and muslims pray 4 us pls.
  • Police College, Man pck d don (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Letest news.he touth we dont know his sunusi n rufey is scrining recruit files in his office.pls IGP should help the youth.pck will be on running again from monday to friday as promise by d commandant.if not we are ready to die.
  • Police College, Man pck d don (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Do we really have a president in this contry?why are the poormarcies suferring like these.why have we been egnor in this contry?is it because we are poor or what.if we cant fight for the goverment,then we are ready to fight the govrment.if not the antalope should stop his animatic caracter.if not fools,you need much police men, an you will still recruit new people.then why driving inocent youth.instent of adding new ones nest bach.have a nice day animal.fool of a kind
  • Police College, habibu joelamanu (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    mr Sanusi Rafai,u dismis 47 recruit unneccessary without giving them job,By God grace u nava end ur police work well, or u shall end it without pension.and ur children shall be dismis in any job u get for them.may u watch and see their downfall.
  • Police College, Abuahmad (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    At ur age, we presumed dt u will lyk recruit as ur own BIOLOGICAL CHILDREN. Bt rather treating them as ur enemy. And th worst of all ths, u offered no single appointment 2 anyone bt trying 2 terminate it. Mind u, Allah will never alow u 2 execute ur evil intention. Still wu r 2 repent. If not.................
  • Police College, habibu joelamanu (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    let the government arrest the acting commandant of police college kaduna, mr Sanusi Rafai,and investigate him very well he has hand in the recent 26/4/12 bomb blast at ABUJA AND KADUNA,now he is planning to set bomb in police college kaduna.
  • Police College, peter joe (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    the acting commander mr Sasusi indircetly forming new Boko Haram group by dismissing 47 recruit who have undergo 7 month training at police college kaduna 4 kwn reason,we the recruit trainning at college urge and beg the government to interven before he dismiss all recruit.
  • Police College, Yahaya Nagode (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Commadand na God go judge u, if u do that dismissal 4 good. If no not 4 good pls call back to make peace rend in nigeria police college kaduna
  • Police College, Walakiri (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Abscond from d college
  • Police College, born again (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    All these will not help us,lets join hand together and continue prayers both christian and muslim.may good help us.
  • Police College, MR. M (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    If i was given an oppurtunity 2 kil, dis ugly commandant wud hav been d first person 2 go. Comandant, u beta repend o else!
  • Police College, the power of prayer (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    pls,u have to be very careful wit ur comments.what do you expect someone who is working under derectives to do.why nt pray unto God to interven.dont forget u are still under training,and that u still have a long way 2go.sir,mr.IGP,mr.Sunusi is changing PCK,come and see.recruits, remember that what is evil before God is right before men.and a leader that is loved by ALL is not a good leader.if you are a muslim not every body believe in mahammed and if you'r a christian not all dat believe in resurrection of JESUS.likewise people of other religion like the Hinduism,budaism i only plead that you temper mercy to justice and dont be hurt about these unlawful comments.
  • New Central Market, Mis Angel (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Wat a day wit bomb blast in central market kaduna God help us.
  • Police College, Coner stone (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    As a matter of fact, those dismised recruit they didnt just recruit themself their in the college, or finding theirself their over night by magic, instead they were recruited by tested & trusted fellow officers of the Nigeria Police Force who indeed might've gone to school much mothern the college Boss, it ll be very funy of him to dismised only the recruit without bringing (the recruiters) those officers to book,perhaps is the juridiction of the court of low to prof someone guilty or not before any legal action imposed on such,but in case of the college Boss Vs dismised recruit due process was not followed. However lets endeavour to leave a good legecy for remembrance either @ work or @ relegation pls. SUGESTION. TO THE INCUBENT COLLEGE BOSS: PLS TEMPER JUSTICE WITH MERCY UPON THOSE DISMISED ONES AND REINSTATE THEM AS A LOT OF THEM SHOULDER AGING PERENT FOR GOD SAKE.
  • Police College, ASPER (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Good morning fellow nigerians, it wil interest u 2 call d attaintion of dis devil call commandant 2 stop any futher dismissal if nt dis country of ours will all turn 2 boko haram. I pray it dnt happen.
  • Police College, Ayeni Ogbole (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    We're praying 2 God 2 touch his heart 2 repent out of his character. Only God can do dat.
  • Police College, Saraki Gwagwarwa (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Plz mr IGP, dnt let dis commandant 2 recruit terrorist 2 our country.
  • Police College, Saraki Gwagwarwa (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Plz mr IGP, dnt let dis commandant 2 recruit terrorist 2 our country.
  • Police College, Noble guy (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Pls commadant Kaduna police college stop dismissimg poor Nigeria youths 4d sake of Allah or ur future cos any evil do 2 man wil surely b done back 2him if nt by man surely by God and if nt here surely in hereafter.
  • Police College, My name is Abubakar musa (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Iam one the recruit u send a way with out commiting any offence now i coming after u b/c u kill me indirect now i got offer from boko haram to come and joint them and they said any attack i made there going to give 200000 whic i sign the offer who is the corser the commandant police college.I want to tell member of the public the commandant police college kaduna push me in to this.